Gpu |
The GpuImage type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
HasTransparentPixels | Gets or sets (only at init time) a Boolean that indicates that the GpuImage has some transparent pixels, e. g. pixels with alpha color smaller than 1. This means that to show this GpuImage correctly some alpha-blending technique is required. | |
Height | Height of the image in pixels | |
Image | Gets the Vulkan Image. | |
ImageMemory | Gets the VulkanMemoryInfo that represents the memory location of the buffer | |
ImageView | Gets the Vulkan ImageView. | |
IsGpuDeviceCached | Gets a Boolean that indicates that this GpuImage is cashed by the GpuDevice objects and cannot be disposed by calling Dispose method. This means the GpuImage can be shared without worrying that someone will dispose this GpuImage or that it will be disposed when the Scene is disposed. This flag is set when the GpuImage is cached by calling CacheObject(String, Object) method. By default the Source is used as the cache key. The GpuImage will be disposed when the GpuDevice will be disposed or if it is removed from the cache and then disposed. | |
IsPreMultipliedAlpha | Gets or sets (only at init time) a Boolean that indicates that the colors in this GpuImage are alpha-premultiplied. This means that the red, green and blue values are multiplied by the alpha value. | |
IsSceneCached | Gets a Boolean that indicates that this GpuImage is cashed by Scene objects and cannot be disposed by calling Dispose method. This means the GpuImage can be shared without worrying that someone will dispose this GpuImage. This flag is set when the GpuImage is cached by calling Scene.CacheObject(String, Object) method. By default the Source is used as the cache key. The GpuImage will be disposed when the Scene will be disposed or if it is removed from the cache and then disposed. | |
MemoryProperties | Gets the MemoryPropertyFlags that were used to crate this GpuImage. | |
MemorySize | User memory size in bytes | |
Source | Source can contain file name or other string that defines the source of this GpuImage. | |
Width | Width of the image in pixels |