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MeshUtilsCreateFlatShadedMesh Method

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Public methodStatic memberCreateFlatShadedMesh(StandardMesh, String) CreateFlatShadedMesh converts the mesh defined by the originalPositions and originalTriangleIndices to a flat shaded mesh (all edges are hard edges; there are no smooth edges). In this case no position is shared with any other triangle (number of new vertices is the same as length of mesh's TriangleIndices).
Public methodStatic memberCreateFlatShadedMesh(Vector3, Int32) CreateFlatShadedMesh converts the mesh defined by the originalPositions and originalTriangleIndices to a flat shaded mesh (all edges are hard edges; there are no smooth edges). In this case no position is shared with any other triangle (number of new positions is the same as length of originalTriangleIndices).
See Also