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RenderingStep Methods

The RenderingStep type exposes the following members.

Public methodDispose 
Protected methodDispose(Boolean) Dispose this rendering step and all child rendering steps
(Overrides ComponentBaseDispose(Boolean))
Protected methodOnAddedToRenderingStepsList OnAddedToRenderingStepsList is called when this RenderingStep is added to the RenderingSteps collection.
Protected methodOnAfterRunningStep OnAfterRunningStep
Protected methodOnBeforeRunningStep OnBeforeRunningStep
Protected methodOnIsEnabledChanged OnIsEnabledChanged is called when the IsEnabled is changed.
Protected methodOnLoaded OnLoaded is called when this rendering step is added to the RenderingStepsList.
Protected methodOnRemovedFromRenderingStepsList OnRemovedFromRenderingStepsList is called when this RenderingStep is removed to the RenderingSteps collection.
Protected methodOnRun OnRun abstract method executes the code for this rendering step. The method should true to continue executing rendering steps; when false is returned then rendering is terminated.
Protected methodOnUnloaded OnUnloaded is called when this rendering step is removed from the RenderingStepsList.
Public methodRun Runs the rendering step. When false is returned then rendering is terminated.
Public methodSaveExecutionTimeStatistics SaveExecutionTimeStatistics is called when we are collecting statistics. The implementation of the method should save or add the elapsedMilliseconds to the corresponding property in the RenderingStatistics class.
Public methodToString Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Overrides ObjectToString)
See Also