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SortedRenderingLayer Methods

The SortedRenderingLayer type exposes the following members.

Protected methodDispose Dispose
(Overrides RenderingLayerDispose(Boolean))
Protected methodDisposeSortRelatedData DisposeSortRelatedData disposes all data that is used to store and cache sort related data. This method is called when Disposing or when IsSortingEnabled is set to false.
Public methodGetEnumerator Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection.
(Overrides RenderingLayerGetEnumerator)
Public methodGetUnsortedItems Returns a ReadOnlyCollection that is a copy of the unsorted renderingItems.
Protected methodOnRenderingLayerSortingCompleted OnRenderingLayerSortingCompleted
Public methodSort Sort items in this rendering layer.
Protected methodSortSortedIndexes Sort items in this rendering layer by setting the sortedIndexes array.
See Also