| Class | Description |
| CameraDistanceSortedRenderingLayer |
CameraDistanceSortedRenderingLayer is a rendering layer where the objects inside the queue are sorted by their distance from the camera.
This is uses for transparent object that need to be rendered so that the objects that are farther away from the camera are rendered first.
See remarks for more info.
| MaterialSortedRenderingLayer |
MaterialSortedRenderingLayer is rendering layer where the objects inside the queue are sorted so that objects with the same material are rendered one after another - this minimizes the state changes and increases the performance.
| RenderingLayer |
RenderingLayer is a rendering layer with a queue that is used to store RenderingItem that have similar properties and are rendered one after another.
Objects inside the rendering layer can be reordered or sorted to improve performance or make sure that the rendered results are correct (for example for transparency sorting).
| SortedRenderingLayer |
SortedRenderingLayer is an abstract class derived from RenderingLayer and provides base functionality for sorting items in RenderingLayers.
For performance reasons the original list of RenderingItems (renderingItems) is not sorted.
Instead the order of sorted objects is defined in the sortedIndexes array.
Derived methods must override the and SortingType.