Raw |
The RawImageData type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
ChangeFormat | Changes the value of the Format property. This does not change the data. | |
CheckTransparency | CheckTransparency method checks the data of the image for transparent pixels and returns true in case any transparent pixel is find. It also sets the HasTransparency property. | |
CheckTransparencyAndConvertToPremultipliedAlpha | CheckTransparencyAndConvertToPremultipliedAlpha method converts the colors by multiplying the red, green and blue values by alpha value. This produces the pre-multiplied colors. The method also checks the data of the image for transparent pixels and returns true in case any transparent pixel is find. It also sets the HasTransparency property. | |
CheckTransparentPixels | CheckTransparentPixels returns true when the image data contains transparent pixels (where alpha is less the 1); for fully opaque image false is returned. | |
Clone | Returns a cloned RawImageData with copied data array. | |
ConvertToPremultipliedAlpha | ConvertToPremultipliedAlpha method converts the colors by multiplying the red, green and blue values by alpha value. This produces the pre-multiplied colors. | |
GetBytesPerPixel | Returns number of bytes that is required to store the specified format. The method can get results only for the following formats: R8G8B8A8Unorm, B8G8R8A8Unorm, R8G8B8Unorm, B8G8R8Unorm, R8Unorm. Other formats will throw an exception. | |
GetColor | Returns the color as uint value at the specified position. | |
GetColor4 | Returns the color as Color4 value at the specified position. | |
GetColor4Relative | Returns the color as Color4 value at the specified relative position (x and y should be in range from 0 to 1). | |
GetColorRelative | Returns the color as uint value at the specified relative position (x and y should be in range from 0 to 1). | |
GetFormatProperties | GetFormatProperties sets the hasAlpha, pixelSize and alphaOffset properties from the image format. The method returns false when the format is not known. | |
RemovePremultipliedAlpha | RemovePremultipliedAlpha method converts pre-multiplied alpha colors to non-pre-multiplied colors. This is done when IsPreMultipliedAlpha is not false and when format is B8G8R8A8Unorm or R8G8B8A8Unorm. After that the IsPreMultipliedAlpha is set to false. | |
Resize | Creates a new Data array with new dataLength and updates the Width, Height and Stride properties (Format value is preserved). | |
SetColor | Set the color at the specified position | |
SetColor4 | Set the color at the specified position | |
SetColor4Relative | Set the color at the specified relative position (x and y should be in range from 0 to 1). | |
SetColorRelative | Set the color at the specified relative position (x and y should be in range from 0 to 1). | |
SwapRedAndBlueColors | SwapRedAndBlueColors converts RGBA to BGRA and vice versa. |