WireGridVisual3D Properties |
The WireGridVisual3D type exposes the following members.
Properties | Name | Description |
| CenterPosition |
Gets or sets the grid center position
| HeightCellsCount |
Gets or sets the number of cells in the height direction
| HeightDirection |
Gets or sets the direction of the height. Default value is z axis vector (0,0,1).
| IsClosed |
Gets or sets a Boolean that specifies if a rectangle is drawn around wire grid to close the grid.
When this WireGridVisual3D also shows major lines (MajorLinesFrequency > 0), then the line thickness and color of the closing rectangle is specified with MajorLineColor and MajorLineThickness properties instead of LineColor and LineThickness properties.
Default value is false.
| IsEmissiveMaterial |
Gets or sets a Boolean that is used only when FixedMesh3DLines is set to RenderingTechnique and specifies
if emissive material (by default) is used to render lines's MeshGeometry3D.
In this case the lines have the same color regardless if light illuminates them or not.
When IsEmissiveMaterial is false, then a standard DiffuseMaterial with SolidColorBrush is used as a line's material. In this case the lines are shaders as other 3D objects in the scene.
| MajorLineColor |
Gets or sets the color of the major lines. To show major lines, the MajorLinesFrequency must be bigger then 0. Default value is Black.
| MajorLinesFrequency |
Gets or sets the interval between major lines - on how many minor lines comes one major line.
When this value is zero or less, then major lines are not shown. Default value is 0.
| MajorLineThickness |
Gets or sets the thickness of the major lines (the value is specified in screen coordinates). To show major lines, the MajorLinesFrequency must be bigger then 0. Default value is 2.0
| RenderingTechnique |
Gets or sets a WireGridVisual3D.WireGridRenderingTechniques enum that specifies how the lines in this wire grid are rendered.
Default value is ScreenSpace3DLines that renders wire grid as other 3D lines where line thickness is specified in screen coordinates and
where line's MeshGeometry3D need to be updated on each camera change.
With FixedMesh3DLines option, a fixed MeshGeometry3D with flat rectangles that represent horizontal 3D lines is created.
In this case line thickness is specified in world coordinates (the same as other 3D objects).
| Size |
Gets or sets the size of the grid
| WidthCellsCount |
Gets or sets the number of cells in the width direction
| WidthDirection |
Gets or sets the direction of the width. Default value is x axis vector (1,0,0).
TopSee Also