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CameraTargetPositionAdorner Properties

The CameraTargetPositionAdorner type exposes the following members.

Public propertyInnerBrush InnerBrush. To change this property, create a new instance of CameraTargetPositionAdorner and change the property before the CameraTargetPositionAdorner is shown.
Public propertyInnerRadius InnerRadius. To change this property, create a new instance of CameraTargetPositionAdorner and change the property before the CameraTargetPositionAdorner is shown.
Public propertyLinesLength LinesLength. To change this property, create a new instance of CameraTargetPositionAdorner and change the property before the CameraTargetPositionAdorner is shown.
Public propertyMainBrush MainBrush. To change this property, create a new instance of CameraTargetPositionAdorner and change the property before the CameraTargetPositionAdorner is shown.
Public propertyMainCircleThickness MainCircleThickness. To change this property, create a new instance of CameraTargetPositionAdorner and change the property before the CameraTargetPositionAdorner is shown.
Public propertyOuterCircleThickness OuterCircleThickness. To change this property, create a new instance of CameraTargetPositionAdorner and change the property before the CameraTargetPositionAdorner is shown.
Public propertyPosition Gets or sets the camera target position (in the 2D coordinate system of Viewport3D element)
Public propertyRadius Radius. To change this property, create a new instance of CameraTargetPositionAdorner and change the property before the CameraTargetPositionAdorner is shown.
See Also