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Ab3d.Common Namespace

Ab3d.Common namespace define some common classes that are used in Ab3d.PowerToys library
Public classCameraTargetPositionAdorner CameraTargetPositionAdorner is an adorner that is used to show the camera target position around which the camera is rotated. To position this adorner set the Position property. The other properties that define the size and color of the adorner must be defined before this adorner is shown (to change the shape, create a new instance of CameraTargetPositionAdorner, change the properties and then assign the new adorner to MouseCameraController).
Public classConstants Constants and static fields for some common 3D values
Public classCode exampleMaterialTypeConverter MaterialTypeConverter is type converter that can convert simple color name to a DiffuseMaterial with SolidColorBrush or image resource name into a DiffuseMaterial with ImageBrush. It can also create SpecualMaterial or EmissiveMaterial from simple text.
Public classModelMovedEventArgs ModelMovedEventArgs contains MoveVector3D and is used by ModelMoverVisual3D.
Public classModelRotatedEventArgs ModelRotatedEventArgs contains RotationAngle and RotationAxis and is used by ModelRotatorVisual3D.
Public classModelScaledEventArgs ModelScaledEventArgs contains properties that defined the scale factor of a 3D model and is used by ModelScalarVisual3D.
Public classNavigationCirclesAxisEventArgs NavigationCirclesAxisEventArgs is used by CameraNavigationCircles.
Public classParentChangedEventArgs ParentChangedEventArgs contains OldParent property that contains the previous parent value.
Public classRenderingTimer Computer speed independent timer that is using CompositionTarget.Rendering event and reports progress from 0 to 1 in the Duration period.
Public classViewCubePlaneEventArgs 
Public classVisualChildrenChangedEventArgs ParentChangedEventArgs contains VisualAdded and VisualRemoved properties.
Public delegateNavigationCirclesAxisEventHandler NavigationCirclesAxisEventHandler
Public delegateParentChangedEventHandler ParentChangedEventHandler used for ParentChangedEventArgs.
Public delegateVisualChildrenChangedEventHandler VisualChildrenChangedEventHandler used for VisualChildrenChangedEventArgs.
Public enumerationFitIntoViewType FitIntoViewType enum defines possible ways to calculate the distance and center position to fit the scene into current viewport.
Public enumerationGamepadButtonFlags GamepadButtonFlags define which buttons on the game controller are pressed.
Public enumerationPositionTypes PositionTypes define possible position types. PositionType defines which part of the object is placed at the specified Position.