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TextBlockVisual3D Methods

The TextBlockVisual3D type exposes the following members.

Public methodAlignWithCamera(BaseCamera) AlignWithCamera method aligns the TextBlockVisual3D to be oriented so that it faces the specified camera.
Public methodAlignWithCamera(ProjectionCamera) AlignWithCamera method aligns the TextBlockVisual3D to be oriented so that it faces the specified camera.
Protected methodCreateModel Creates this Model3D
(Overrides BaseVisual3DCreateModel)
Public methodDispose Dispose method frees the VisualBrushes and RenderTargetBitmaps that are created by this TextBlockVisual3D object.
Protected methodStatic memberOnBorderPropertyChanged OnBorderPropertyChanged
Protected methodStatic memberOnPlaneMeshPropertyChanged OnPlaneMeshPropertyChanged
Protected methodStatic memberOnRenderBitmapSizePropertyChanged OnRenderBitmapSizePropertyChanged
Protected methodStatic memberOnTextBlockPropertyChanged OnTextBlockPropertyChanged
Protected methodOnVisualParentChanged OnVisualParentChanged
(Overrides BaseVisual3DOnVisualParentChanged(DependencyObject))
Public methodRefresh Refresh method measures and recreates the elements and 3D models.
Protected methodUpdateBorder UpdateBorder method updates the properties of the textBorder Border element. This method can be overridden by a derived class to allow applying custom settings on the Border element.
Protected methodUpdatePlaneMesh UpdatePlaneMesh sets the value of textGeometryModel3D.Geometry with a new MeshGeometry3D. The new MeshGeometry3D represents the plane where the text texture will be shown. The plane is defined by the CenterPosition, Size, TextDirection and UpDirection properties. This method can be overridden by a derived class to provide custom MeshGeometry3D.
Protected methodUpdateTextBlock UpdateTextBlock method updates the properties of the textBlock TextBlock element. This method can be overridden by a derived class to allow applying custom settings on the TextBlock element.
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodDumpHierarchy Display details about the hierarchy of Visual3D children to Debug console (for example to Visual Studio's Immediate window).
(Defined by Extensions)
Public Extension MethodForEachGeometryModel3D Performs the specified action on each GeometryModel3D inside the rootModelVisual3D.
(Defined by Extensions)
Public Extension MethodForEachVisual3D Performs the specified action on each ModelVisual3D inside the rootModelVisual3D.
(Defined by Extensions)
Public Extension MethodGetName Gets name of the Visual3D that was previously set by SetName extension method.
(Defined by Extensions)
Public Extension MethodSetName Sets Name property to Visual3D. Note that if name is not correct for WPF, it can be corrected (name must start with a letter or the underscore character (_), and must contain only letters, digits, or underscores). In this case the SetName method will set the corrected name to the object and return false (in this case you can call GetName to get the corrected name). True is returned when the original name is set to the object.
(Defined by Extensions)
See Also