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Extensions Class

Extensions methods that can display details about various WPF 3D objects to Debug console (for example in Visual Studio's Immediate window).
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Ab3d
Assembly: Ab3d.PowerToys (in Ab3d.PowerToys.dll) Version: 11.2.9104.2045
public static class Extensions

The Extensions type exposes the following members.

Public Extension MethodCreateContentVisual3D Creates a new ContentVisual3D and sets its Content property to the specified GeometryModel3D or Model3DGroup.
Public Extension MethodCreateModelVisual3D Creates a new ModelVisual3D and sets its Content property to the specified GeometryModel3D or Model3DGroup.
Public Extension MethodDump(Geometry3D) Display details about specified Geometry3D to Debug console (for example to Visual Studio's Immediate window).
Public Extension MethodDump(Material) Display details about specified Material to Debug console (for example to Visual Studio's Immediate window).
Public Extension MethodDump(Model3D) Display details about specified Model3D to Debug console (for example to Visual Studio's Immediate window).
Public Extension MethodDump(Rect3D) Display details about specified Rect3D to Debug console (for example to Visual Studio's Immediate window).
Public Extension MethodDump(Transform3D) Display details about specified Transform3D to Debug console (for example to Visual Studio's Immediate window).
Public Extension MethodDump(Matrix3D, Int32) Display details about specified Matrix3D to Debug console (for example to Visual Studio's Immediate window).
Public Extension MethodDump(Geometry3D, Int32, String) Display details about specified Geometry3D to Debug console (for example to Visual Studio's Immediate window).
Public Extension MethodDumpHierarchy(Model3D) Display details about the hierarchy of Model3DGroup children to Debug console (for example to Visual Studio's Immediate window).
Public Extension MethodDumpHierarchy(Viewport3D) Display details about the hierarchy of Viewport3D children to Debug console (for example to Visual Studio's Immediate window).
Public Extension MethodDumpHierarchy(Visual3D) Display details about the hierarchy of Visual3D children to Debug console (for example to Visual Studio's Immediate window).
Public Extension MethodForEachGeometryModel3D(Model3DGroup, ActionGeometryModel3D) Performs the specified action on each GeometryModel3D inside the rootModel3DGroup.
Public Extension MethodForEachGeometryModel3D(ModelVisual3D, ActionGeometryModel3D) Performs the specified action on each GeometryModel3D inside the rootModelVisual3D.
Public Extension MethodForEachGeometryModel3D(Visual3DCollection, ActionGeometryModel3D) Performs the specified action on each GeometryModel3D inside the visual3DCollection.
Public Extension MethodForEachVisual3D(ModelVisual3D, ActionModelVisual3D) Performs the specified action on each ModelVisual3D inside the rootModelVisual3D.
Public Extension MethodForEachVisual3D(Visual3DCollection, ActionModelVisual3D) Performs the specified action on each ModelVisual3D inside the visual3DCollection.
Public Extension MethodGetCenterPosition Returns center position of a bounding box specified as Rect3D (contains double.NaN values when bounds is empty.
Public Extension MethodGetCorners(Rect3D)Retrieves the eight corners of the Rect3D.
Public Extension MethodGetCorners(Rect3D, Point3D)Retrieves the eight corners of the Rect3D and sets them into the specified corners array.
Public Extension MethodGetDiagonalLength Returns a length of a Rect3D diagonal.
Public Extension MethodGetName(Material) Gets name of the Material that was previously set by SetName extension method.
Public Extension MethodGetName(MeshGeometry3D) Gets name of the MeshGeometry3D that was previously set by SetName extension method.
Public Extension MethodGetName(Model3D) Gets name of the Model3D that was previously set by SetName extension method.
Public Extension MethodGetName(Visual3D) Gets name of the Visual3D that was previously set by SetName extension method.
Public Extension MethodGetPolygonIndices Returns Int32Collection that contains position indexes that define polygons for this MeshGeometry3D (set with PolygonIndicesProperty DependencyProperty). See remakes in PolygonIndicesProperty for more info.
Public Extension MethodGetPolygonPositions Returns Point3DCollection with positions that define the polygon lines for this MeshGeometry3D (lines are not connected; each line is defined by two positions). Polygon lines are specified with using PolygonIndicesProperty DependencyProperty. If this DependencyProperty is not defined then null is returned. See remakes in PolygonIndicesProperty for more info.
Public Extension MethodSetName(Material, String) Sets Name property to Material. Note that if name is not correct for WPF, it can be corrected (name must start with a letter or the underscore character (_), and must contain only letters, digits, or underscores). In this case the SetName method will set the corrected name to the object and return false (in this case you can call GetName to get the corrected name). True is returned when the original name is set to the object.
Public Extension MethodSetName(MeshGeometry3D, String) Sets Name property to MeshGeometry3D. Note that if name is not correct for WPF, it can be corrected (name must start with a letter or the underscore character (_), and must contain only letters, digits, or underscores). In this case the SetName method will set the corrected name to the object and return false (in this case you can call GetName to get the corrected name). True is returned when the original name is set to the object.
Public Extension MethodSetName(Model3D, String) Sets Name property to Model3D. Note that if name is not correct for WPF, it can be corrected (name must start with a letter or the underscore character (_), and must contain only letters, digits, or underscores). In this case the SetName method will set the corrected name to the object and return false (in this case you can call GetName to get the corrected name). True is returned when the original name is set to the object.
Public Extension MethodSetName(Visual3D, String) Sets Name property to Visual3D. Note that if name is not correct for WPF, it can be corrected (name must start with a letter or the underscore character (_), and must contain only letters, digits, or underscores). In this case the SetName method will set the corrected name to the object and return false (in this case you can call GetName to get the corrected name). True is returned when the original name is set to the object.
Public Extension MethodSetPolygonIndices Sets polygonIndices to this MeshGeometry3D with using the PolygonIndicesProperty DependencyProperty. Each polygon must be closed with completing the polygon data with the index of the first position in the polygon. See remakes in PolygonIndicesProperty for more info.
Public Extension MethodToPoint3D Converts Vector3D to Point3D
Public Extension MethodToVector3D Converts Point3D to Vector3D
See Also