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CadFace Class

CadFace defines a 3D face that is defined by multiple edges. The face can also define a triangulated mesh and interpolated edge positions.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Ab4d.OpenCascade
Assembly: Ab4d.OpenCascade (in Ab4d.OpenCascade.dll) Version: 1.0.0
public class CadFace

The CadFace type exposes the following members.

Public methodCadFaceInitializes a new instance of the CadFace class
Public fieldEdgeCurves Gets an array of edge curve objects that define the edges.
Public fieldEdgeIndices EdgeIndices are defined where one pair of int values define one edge: first int is the index in the EdgePositionsBuffer, second int is number of positions per edge). This array is defined when GenerateInterpolatedEdgePositions is set to true (by default).
Public fieldEdgeLengths Calculated lengths of each edge. This array is defined when CalculateShapeProperties is set to true (by default).
Public fieldEdgePositionsBuffer Edge positions define interpolated edge positions. This array is defined when GenerateInterpolatedEdgePositions is set to true (by default).
Public fieldFaceColor An array of color values in RGBA format. When null, then this CadFace does not have its own color, instead Color defined in PartData is used.
Public fieldSurfaceArea Gets the calculated exact surface area of this face. This value is calculated when CalculateShapeProperties is set to true (by default).
Public fieldTriangleIndices Indices in the VertexBuffer that define triangles - 3 indices per triangle. This array is defined when GenerateTriangulatedMeshes is set to true (by default).
Public fieldVertexBuffer VertexBuffer where each vertex is defined by 7 float values: xPos, yPos, zPos, xNormal, yNormal, zNormal, u, v. This array is defined when GenerateTriangulatedMeshes is set to true (by default).
See Also