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Ab4d.OpenCascade Namespace

Public classCadAssembly CadAssembly defines the imported data that includes a hierarchical list of CadParts, a list of Shells and a bounding box.
Public classCadAxisCurve CadCurve is a base class that defines a curve with XAxis and YAxis properties.
Public classCadBezierCurve Bezier curve that is defined by a set of control points (Poles) and optional Weights. See also OpenCascade docs: Geom_BezierCurve
Public classCadBSplineCurve BSpline curve that is defined by a set of control points (Poles) and optional Weights and Knots. See also OpenCascade docs: Geom_BSplineCurve
Public classCadCircle Circle that is defined by a location and a radius. The IntervalStart and IntervalEnd can define the start and end segment of the circle (defined in radians). See also OpenCascade docs: Geom_Circle
Public classCadCurve CadCurve is a base class that defines a curve.
Public classCadEllipse Ellipse that is defined by a location, a major radius and a minor radius. The IntervalStart and IntervalEnd can define the start and end segment of the ellipse (defined in radians). See also OpenCascade docs: Geom_Ellipse
Public classCadFace CadFace defines a 3D face that is defined by multiple edges. The face can also define a triangulated mesh and interpolated edge positions.
Public classCadHyperbola Hyperbola that is defined by a location, a major radius and a minor radius. See also OpenCascade docs: Geom_Hyperbola
Public classCadImporter CadImporter can import objects from CAD files.
Public classCadLine And infinite line that is defined by a location and a direction. The IntervalStart and IntervalEnd define the start and end positions of the line. See also OpenCascade docs: Geom_Line
Public classCadOffsetCurve OffsetCurve is a copy of another BasisCurve that is offset by a specified direction and lenght. See also OpenCascade docs: Geom_OffsetCurve
Public classCadParabola Parabola that is defined by a focal lenght. See also OpenCascade docs: Geom_Parabola
Public classCadPart CadPart is an object that can be hierarchically organized, can have child CadParts and can use a CadShell that defines faces.
Public classCadShell CadShell defines a list of faces. The same CadShell can be used by multiple CadPart objects.
Public classImporterSettings ImporterSettings defines the settings for CadImporter
Public structureCadVector3 CadVector3 is a struct with X, Y and Z values.
Public structureCurveInterpolationSettings CurveInterpolationSettings defines the settings that control the generation of interpolated points that are generted from curves and are used to define the edges. See also OpenCascade docs: GCPnts_TangentialDeflection
Public structureMeshingSettings MeshingSettings defines the settings that control the meshing (triangulation) that generates 3D meshes. See also OpenCascade docs: IMeshTools_Parameters
Public enumerationCadUnitTypes The CadUnitTypes describes possible values for length units
Public enumerationMeshingAlgorithms MeshingAlgorithms enum defined possible meshing algorithms.