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ImporterSettings Fields

The ImporterSettings type exposes the following members.

Public fieldCalculateShapeProperties CalculateShapeProperties defines if exact Volume (for CadParts), SurfaceArea (for CadParts and CadFace) and EdgeLengths (for CadFace) are calculated. It may take some time to calculate those values. Default value is true.
Public fieldCurveInterpolationSettings CurveInterpolationSettings defines the settings that control the generation of interpolated points that are generated from curves and are used to define the edges.
Public fieldDefaultColor Defines an array color values in RGBA format that defines the default color (used when no other color is defined in the imported file).
Public fieldGenerateInterpolatedEdgePositions GenerateInterpolatedEdgePositions defines if interpolated points that are generated from curves (EdgePositionsBuffer and EdgeIndices). Default value is true.
Public fieldGenerateTriangulatedMeshes GenerateTriangulatedMeshes defines if 3D meshes are generated (VertexBuffer and TriangleIndices). Default value is true.
Public fieldImportedUnits ImportedUnits can be set from the default Millimeter to some other unit to convert all values from the imported file to that unit.
Public fieldLogAction LogAction can be set to an Action that takes a string to get logging text while reading the imported file.
Public fieldMeshingSettings MeshingSettings defines the settings that control the meshing (triangulation) that generates 3D meshes.
See Also