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RenderablePrimitive Class

RenderablePrimitive is a base class that is derived from RenderablePrimitiveBase and implements rendering geometry based on the resources defined by the RenderablePrimitive constructor.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Ab3d.DirectX
Assembly: Ab3d.DXEngine (in Ab3d.DXEngine.dll) Version: 7.1.9105.2048 (
public class RenderablePrimitive : RenderablePrimitiveBase

The RenderablePrimitive type exposes the following members.

Public propertyIndexBuffer IndexBuffer
Public methodChangeIndexBuffers ChangeIndexBuffers changes the index buffer used by this RenderablePrimitive.
Public methodChangeVertexBuffer ChangeVertexBuffer changes the vertex buffer used by this RenderablePrimitive.
Public methodChangeVertexBuffers ChangeVertexBuffers changes the vertex buffers used by this RenderablePrimitive.
Public methodRenderGeometry RenderGeometry renders the geometry (executes draw calls but does not apply material settings)
(Overrides RenderablePrimitiveBaseRenderGeometry(RenderingContext))
Public methodSetMaterialSortHash SetMaterialSortHash calculates the StateSortValue based on the current material and other properties of this RenderablePrimitive
Public fieldBaseVertexLocation start index in VertexBuffer used in DrawIndexed method
Public fieldBounds Bounds
Public fieldDistance The distance from the camera
Public fieldIndexBufferFormat Format of IndexBuffer
Public fieldIndexCount Number of indices to render
Public fieldInputLayoutType InputLayoutType
Public fieldPrimitiveTopology PrimitiveTopology
Public fieldStartIndexLocation start index in IndexBuffer used in DrawIndexed method
Public fieldStateSortValue The state sort value represent an unsigned Int32 number that is a short hash value calculated from the properties of this RenderablePrimitive (mostly from material) and can be used to sort and group similar RenderablePrimitive. This can improve performance.
Public fieldTag Arbitrary tag
Public fieldVertexBufferBindings Array of VertexBufferBinding
See Also