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RenderableInstancedObjectsPrimitive Class

RenderableInstancedObjectsPrimitive class is a RenderablePrimitive that can be used to render multiple instances of geometry based DXScene's ObjectNode and where the instances are defined by VertexBufferBinding.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Ab3d.DirectX
Assembly: Ab3d.DXEngine (in Ab3d.DXEngine.dll) Version: 7.1.9105.2048 (
public class RenderableInstancedObjectsPrimitive : RenderableObjectNodePrimitive

The RenderableInstancedObjectsPrimitive type exposes the following members.

Public methodRenderableInstancedObjectsPrimitive Initializes a new instance of the RenderableInstancedObjectsPrimitive class.
Public methodRenderGeometry RenderGeometry renders the geometry (executes draw calls but does not apply material settings)
(Overrides RenderablePrimitiveRenderGeometry(RenderingContext))
Public fieldInstanceBufferBinding VertexBufferBinding that represents instances buffer
Public fieldInstancesCount The number of instances
Public fieldStartInstanceIndex The start index of the instances in InstanceBufferBinding
Public fieldUseInstanceIdColor When true (false by default) then the color of each instance is defined by the id (index) of each instance.
Public fieldUseInstanceObjectColor Defines the source of the object diffuse color: if true (by default) then color defined in instance buffer is used; if false color defined in IDiffuseMaterial is used for all instaces.
Public fieldUseScreenSpaceScaling When true (false by default) then each instance is scaled in the shader so that the value specified in matrix's M11 defines the size of the rendered object on screen (when the size of the mesh is 1).
See Also