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ICamera Interface

ICamera is base interface that defines a 3D camera in DXEngine

Namespace: Ab3d.DirectX
Assembly: Ab3d.DXEngine (in Ab3d.DXEngine.dll) Version: 7.0.8865.1045
public interface ICamera

The ICamera type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAspectRatio Gets or sets the camera's aspect ratio - calculated as viewport's width / height.
Public propertyFarPlaneDistance Gets or sets a value that specifies the distance from the camera of the camera's far clip plane.
Public propertyNearPlaneDistance Gets or sets a value that specifies the distance from the camera of the camera's near clip plane.
Public propertyParentDXScene Gets or sets the DXScene that this camera belong to.
Public propertyParentSceneNode Gets or sets a parent SceneNode that can be used to adjust the camera's View matrix with the SceneNode's world matrix. This can be used to animate the camera with SceneNode.
Public propertyProjection Gets the camera's projection matrix.
Public propertyProjectionType Gets type of projection (Perspective or Orthographic)
Public propertyView Gets the camera's view matrix.
Public methodGetCameraPosition Returns the current position of the camera.
Public methodGetViewProjection Gets a precalculated View * Projection matrix.
Public methodGetWorldViewProjection Returns WorldViewProjection matrix. Calculating this matrix is faster inside Camera because here we can access matrixes by reference.
Public methodUpdate Update method updates the camera matrices when needed (when there were any change in the camera properties) or when forceMatrixUpdate is set to true.
Public eventCameraChanged CameraChanged event occurs after the camera was changed.
See Also