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DirectoryShaderBytecodeProvider Class

DirectoryShaderBytecodeProvider class provides access to shaders stored as files in the specified directory on disk. Resources registered by this DirectoryShaderBytecodeProvider are available by file name with extension but without directory path. The class can be registered by EffectsManager with calling its RegisterShaderResource(String, Byte) or RegisterShaderResourceStatic(ShaderBytecodeProvider) methods. This way the EffectsManager will be able to get shader resources (bytecode) from the resources provided by this class.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Ab3d.DirectX
Assembly: Ab3d.DXEngine (in Ab3d.DXEngine.dll) Version: 7.1.9105.2048 (
public class DirectoryShaderBytecodeProvider : ShaderBytecodeProvider

The DirectoryShaderBytecodeProvider type exposes the following members.

Public methodDirectoryShaderBytecodeProvider Constructor
Public methodGetAllResourceNames Returns an array of strings that represents the resource names available in this ShaderBytecodeProvider.
(Overrides ShaderBytecodeProviderGetAllResourceNames)
Public methodGetShaderBytecode Gets bytes array of the compiled shader with resourceName or null if this class instance does not have this resource.
(Overrides ShaderBytecodeProviderGetShaderBytecode(String))
Public methodRefreshFiles Refreshes the list of files in the directory. This method is thread safe.
See Also