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ChangeBackBufferRenderingStep Class

ChangeBackBufferRenderingStep can be used to change the current BackBuffer, RenderTargetView, DepthStencilView or Viewport. To set the new back buffer values use the SetNewBackBuffer(Texture2D, Texture2DDescription, RenderTargetView, DepthStencilView, Int32) method. To set the new Viewport value set the NewViewport property. When this rendering step is executed, the OutputMerger targets are chenged (if SetNewBackBuffer was called) and properties related to current back buffer in RenderingContext are changed. If NewViewport is set then also the Viewport in the RenderingContext and in Rasterizer are changed.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Ab3d.DirectX
Assembly: Ab3d.DXEngine (in Ab3d.DXEngine.dll) Version: 7.1.9105.2048 (
public class ChangeBackBufferRenderingStep : RenderingStepBase

The ChangeBackBufferRenderingStep type exposes the following members.

Public methodChangeBackBufferRenderingStep Constructor
Public propertyNewBackBuffer Gets the BackBuffer as Texture2D that will be used in the further rendering steps. This value is set with SetNewBackBuffer(Texture2D, Texture2DDescription, RenderTargetView, DepthStencilView, Int32) method.
Public propertyNewBackBufferDescription Gets sets the description of the BackBuffer. This value is set with SetNewBackBuffer(Texture2D, Texture2DDescription, RenderTargetView, DepthStencilView, Int32) method.
Public propertyNewDepthStencilView Gets the DepthStencilView that will be used in the further rendering steps. This value is set with SetNewBackBuffer(Texture2D, Texture2DDescription, RenderTargetView, DepthStencilView, Int32) method.
Public propertyNewRenderTargetView Gets the RenderTargetView that will be used in the further rendering steps. This value is set with SetNewBackBuffer(Texture2D, Texture2DDescription, RenderTargetView, DepthStencilView, Int32) method.
Public propertyNewSuperSamplingCount Gets the super-sampling count of the NewBackBuffer
Public propertyNewViewport Gets or sets the viewport that will be used in the further rendering steps. If this property is not set, the Viewport in RenderingContext will not be changed.
Public methodSaveExecutionTimeStatistics SaveExecutionTimeStatistics is called when we are collecting statistics. The implementation of the method should save or add the elapsedMilliseconds to the corresponding property in the RenderingStatistics class.
(Overrides RenderingStepBaseSaveExecutionTimeStatistics(Double, RenderingStatistics))
Public methodSetNewBackBuffer Sets the BackBuffer its RenderTargetView and DepthStencilView that will be set changed by this RenderingStep.
See Also