DXEvent |
The DXEventManager3D type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
CustomEventsSourceElement | Gets or sets a FrameworkElement that can be used instead of TargetViewport3D to get the mouse events (MouseMove, MouseEnter, MouseLeave). If null (default) than TargetViewport3D is used as event source. | |
DragMouseDistance | Gets or sets the distance mouse must make when the move is considered as mouse drag. The default value is 5. | |
DXView | Parent DXView that is used to do the hit testing. | |
IsEnabled | Gets or sets a boolean value that specifies if the EventManager3D is enabled. | |
IsManipulationEnabled | Gets or sets a boolean that specifies if Manipulation (touch based) events are enabled by this EventManager3D (this works only when .Net 4 or higher version of the library is used). Default valus is false. | |
UsePreviewEvents | Gets or sets a boolean that specifies if EventManager3D subscribed to Preview moouse and touch events instead of standard events - for example PreviewMouseUp event instead of MouseUp event. Default value is false; |