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PixelEffect Methods

The PixelEffect type exposes the following members.

Public methodApplyMaterial Applies the material and object's world matrix to this effect.
(Overrides EffectApplyMaterial(Material, RenderablePrimitiveBase))
Public methodPreloadShaders PreloadShaders can be called to load the shaders in advance before they are used. Calling this method increases the startup time, but when the 3D object needs to be shown, it is shown faster because all the shaders have already been created.
(Overrides EffectPreloadShaders)
Public methodRemoveTexture Removes the texture that was set by calling SetTexture method.
Public methodResetFixedUpVector Resets the fixed up vector that was set by SetFixedUpVector(Vector3) to default behaviour (pixels always face the camera so that their up vector is perpendicular to the look direction).
Public methodSetFixedUpVector SetFixedUpVector sets a fixed up Vector3 to be always used for up vector when orienting pixel towards the camera. By default, pixels always face the camera so that their up vector is perpendicular to the look direction. But for some cases (for example for rendering trees that always grow upwards), you can fix the up vector. To reset that up vector to default behaviour, call ResetFixedUpVector. Fixed up vector can be used only when IsWorldSize is set to true.
Public methodSetTexture(ShaderResourceView, Size2, SamplerState, BlendState) SetTexture method sets the specified texture to be rendered for each pixel. This value is used when the object does not provide a PixelMaterial. When rendering texture, AlphaClipThreshold is set to 0.5 (pixel with alpha color values below this value will be clipped). To remove the texture, set the pixelTexture to null or call RemoveTexture.
Public methodSetTexture(ShaderResourceView, Size2, Color4, SamplerState, BlendState) SetTexture method sets the specified texture to be rendered for each pixel. This value is used when the object does not provide a PixelMaterial. This also sets the PixelColor to colorMask and OverridePixelColor to true (when pixelTexture is not null). When rendering texture, AlphaClipThreshold is set to 0.5 (pixel with alpha color values below this value will be clipped). To remove the texture, set the pixelTexture to null or call RemoveTexture.
See Also