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DisposeHelper Methods

The DisposeHelper type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberDisposeAndNullify(BlendState) DisposeAndNullify first checks if disposableObject is not null and in that case disposed the object and sets it to null.
Public methodStatic memberDisposeAndNullify(Buffer) DisposeAndNullify first checks if disposableObject is not null and in that case disposed the object and sets it to null.
Public methodStatic memberDisposeAndNullify(DepthStencilState) DisposeAndNullify first checks if disposableObject is not null and in that case disposed the object and sets it to null.
Public methodStatic memberDisposeAndNullify(DepthStencilView) DisposeAndNullify first checks if disposableObject is not null and in that case disposed the object and sets it to null.
Public methodStatic memberDisposeAndNullify(Effect) DisposeAndNullify first checks if disposableObject is not null and in that case disposed the object and sets it to null.
Public methodStatic memberDisposeAndNullify(IDisposable) DisposeAndNullify first checks if disposableObject is not null and in that case disposed the object and sets it to null.
Public methodStatic memberDisposeAndNullify(MeshObjectNode) DisposeAndNullify first checks if disposableObject is not null and in that case disposed the object and sets it to null.
Public methodStatic memberDisposeAndNullify(RasterizerState) DisposeAndNullify first checks if disposableObject is not null and in that case disposed the object and sets it to null.
Public methodStatic memberDisposeAndNullify(RenderTargetView) DisposeAndNullify first checks if disposableObject is not null and in that case disposed the object and sets it to null.
Public methodStatic memberDisposeAndNullify(SamplerState) DisposeAndNullify first checks if disposableObject is not null and in that case disposed the object and sets it to null.
Public methodStatic memberDisposeAndNullify(ShaderResourceView) DisposeAndNullify first checks if disposableObject is not null and in that case disposed the object and sets it to null.
Public methodStatic memberDisposeAndNullify(SharedDXResourceWrapperGeometryShader) DisposeAndNullify first checks if disposableObject is not null and in that case disposed the object and sets it to null.
Public methodStatic memberDisposeAndNullify(SharedDXResourceWrapperInputLayout) DisposeAndNullify first checks if disposableObject is not null and in that case disposed the object and sets it to null.
Public methodStatic memberDisposeAndNullify(SharedDXResourceWrapperPixelShader) DisposeAndNullify first checks if disposableObject is not null and in that case disposed the object and sets it to null.
Public methodStatic memberDisposeAndNullify(SharedDXResourceWrapperVertexShader) DisposeAndNullify first checks if disposableObject is not null and in that case disposed the object and sets it to null.
Public methodStatic memberDisposeAndNullify(SimpleMeshPositionNormalTexture) DisposeAndNullify first checks if disposableObject is not null and in that case disposed the object and sets it to null.
Public methodStatic memberDisposeAndNullify(Texture2D) DisposeAndNullify first checks if disposableObject is not null and in that case disposed the object and sets it to null.
See Also