| Name | Description |
| CreateBlendState(BlendStateDescription) |
CreateBlendState returns a BlendState from BlendStateDescription.
| CreateBlendState(BlendOption, BlendOption) |
CreateBlendState returns a BlendState from sourceBlend and destinationBlend and operation set to Add for RGB channels (alpha values blend are added together).
| CreateConstantBuffer |
CreateConstantBuffer returns a Buffer that represents a constants buffer.
| CreateDepthStencilBuffer |
CreateDepthStencilBuffer returns a Texture2D that represents a DepthStencilBuffer with the specified size, multisample description and format
| CreateDepthStencilState |
CreateDepthStencilState returns a DepthStencilState
| CreateDepthStencilView(Int32, Int32, SampleDescription, String) |
CreateDepthStencilView returns a DepthStencilView with the specified size and multisample description
| CreateDepthStencilView(Int32, Int32, SampleDescription, Format, String) |
CreateDepthStencilView returns a DepthStencilView with the specified size, multisample description and format
| CreateDevice |
CreateDevice creates DirectX device with specified parameters.
This method correctly handles device creation when featureLevels array contains Level_11_1 but that runtime is not installed on the system (for example on Windows 7 SP 1 without Platform Update).
If device cannot be created an exception is thrown or null is returned.
| CreateDXSceneWithBackBuffer(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Single, Single, String) |
CreateDXSceneWithBackBuffer creates a DXScene that will be using BackBuffer (instead of SwapChain) to render its content to.
| CreateDXSceneWithBackBuffer(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Single, Single, Boolean, String) |
CreateDXSceneWithBackBuffer creates a DXScene that will be using BackBuffer (instead of SwapChain) to render its content to.
| CreateDXSceneWithSwapChain |
CreateDXSceneWithSwapChain creates a DXScene that is using SwapChain to show its content.
| CreateRasterizerState |
CreateRasterizerState returns a RasterizerState.
| CreateSamplerState |
CreateSamplerState returns a SamplerState
| CreateSwapChain(IntPtr, Int32, Int32, SampleDescription) |
CreateSwapChain returns a SwapChain for the specified window handle, size and multisample description.
| CreateSwapChain(IntPtr, Int32, Int32, SampleDescription, SwapEffect) |
CreateSwapChain returns a SwapChain for the specified window handle, size and multisample description.
| CreateTexture2D(Texture2DDescription) |
CreateTexture2D returns a buffer as Texture2D.
| CreateTexture2D(Int32, Int32, SampleDescription, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) |
CreateTexture2D returns a buffer as Texture2D with standard format (defined by StandardBufferFormat).
| CreateTexture2D(Int32, Int32, SampleDescription, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Format) |
CreateTexture2D returns a buffer as Texture2D.
| CreateTexture2DDescription(Int32, Int32, SampleDescription, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) |
CreateTexture2DDescription returns a Texture2DDescription that can be used to create a back buffer with standard format (defined by StandardBufferFormat).
| CreateTexture2DDescription(Int32, Int32, SampleDescription, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Format) |
CreateTexture2DDescription returns a Texture2DDescription that can be used to create a back buffer.
| DisposeWithDXDevice |
DisposeWithDXDevice method adds the specified disposable object to the list of objects that will be disposed when this DXDevice will be disposed.
| GetAllSystemAdapters |
Returns all Adapter1 that are supported on the system.
| GetUsedMultisamplingDescription |
GetUsedMultisamplingDescription returns a SampleDescription from specified multisampleCount
| InitializeDevice |
InitializeDevice creates the DirectX device if it was not yet created.
| IsAnyDXSceneRegistered |
Gets true if any DXScene is using this DXDevice. Else returns false.
| IsUsingDefaultSystemAdapter |
Returns true if the default system adapter is used.