Click or drag to resize

ZoomPanelNavigator Properties

The ZoomPanelNavigator type exposes the following members.

Public propertyIsAutoZoomPanelFindingEnabled
Gets or sets a Boolean which specifies that if TargetZoomPanel or TargetZoomPanelName properties are not manually set the first ZoomPanel is automatically found from the current UserControl, Page or Window. Default value is true.
Public propertyIsSnapToTickEnabled
Gets or sets a boolean that specifies if snapping to specific ZoomFactor values is enabled.
Public propertyIsZoomPanelLimitedToMinMaxZoomFactors
Gets or sets a boolean that specifies if the ZoomPanel is limited to the MinZoomFactor and MaxZoomFactor values.
Public propertyMaxZoomFactor
Gets or sets a double that specifies the maximum ZoomFactor value.
Public propertyMinZoomFactor
Gets or sets a double that specifies the minimum ZoomFactor value.
Public propertyNavigationCircleVisibility
Gets or sets a Visibility of the used NavigationCircle.
Public propertyNavigationSliderVisibility
Gets or sets a Visibility of the used NavigationSlider.
Public propertyOrientation
Gets or sets the orientation of a ZoomPanelNavigator. Default value is Vertical.
Public propertyTargetZoomPanel
Gets or sets the ZoomPanel control that is controlled by this ZoomPanelNavigator.
Public propertyTargetZoomPanelName
Gets or sets the name of the ZoomPanel that is controls with this ZoomPanelNavigator.
Public propertyUsedNavigationCircle
Used NavigationCircle control.
Public propertyUsedNavigationSlider
Used NavigationSlider control.
Public propertyZoomFactor
Gets or sets the ZoomFactor that is applied to ZoomPanel.
See Also