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CameraAxisPanel Class

CameraAxisPanel shows an orientation of the X, Y and Z axes. It can be shown as an overlay over the specified SceneView. To remove CameraAxisPanel from SceneView call Dispose method.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Ab4d.SharpEngine.OverlayPanels
Assembly: Ab4d.SharpEngine (in Ab4d.SharpEngine.dll) Version: 3.0.9196+3eba290aba85a9aa739abf2459bc51e303a050d7
public class CameraAxisPanel : IDisposable

The CameraAxisPanel type exposes the following members.

Public methodCameraAxisPanel Constructor
Public propertyAlignAxisCharsWithCamera When true (by default) than the axis characters are aligned to face the camera.
Public propertyAlignment Alignment of the panel relative to the parent SceneView. Default value is TopLeft.
Public propertyBackgroundColor Color of the background. By default set to Transparent color (no background).
Public propertyCamera Gets the camera which orientation is shown by this CameraAxisPanel.
Public propertyDpiScaleX X DPI scale. This value is read from parent SceneView, but can be adjusted by the user.
Public propertyDpiScaleY X DPI scale. This value is read from parent SceneView, but can be adjusted by the user.
Public propertyHeight Height of the panel. When the CameraAxisPanel is created with adjustSizeByDpiScale set to true (by default), then this value is multiplied by the DPI scale to get the actual PixelHeight.
Public propertyIsDisposed True when this CameraAxisPanel is disposed.
Public propertyPixelHeight Gets the pixel height of this panel. Before the SceneView is initialized, 0 is returned.
Public propertyPixelWidth Gets the pixel width of this panel. Before the SceneView is initialized, 0 is returned.
Public propertyPosition Position of the panel. This defines an offset from the specified Alignment.
Public propertyShowAxisNames When true (by default) than the axis names (X, Y, Z) are shown.
Public propertyWidth Width of the panel. When the CameraAxisPanel is created with adjustSizeByDpiScale set to true (by default), then this value is multiplied by the DPI scale to get the actual PixelWidth.
Public methodCustomizeAxes CustomizeAxes customizes the show axes with specifying custom orientation and axis color for each axis.
Public methodCustomizeModels CustomizeModels can be used to provide advanced customization of the 3D models that are used to show the content of this CameraAxisPanel. When called with default parameters, then the default values will be used.
Public methodDispose Dispose method disposes all the resources that were used by this CameraAxisPanel and removes the panel from the SceneView's overlay.
Public methodUpdate Update method updates the orientation of the axes to reflect the rotation of the specified camera. This method is automatically called on each camera change. User can call this method to manually update the axes, though this is usually not needed.
See Also