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IAnimation Interface

Namespace: Ab4d.SharpEngine.Animation
Assembly: Ab4d.SharpEngine (in Ab4d.SharpEngine.dll) Version: 2.0.8956+4c7684e186ca1be74e7a284fbe739d9a1b843d3c
public interface IAnimation

The IAnimation type exposes the following members.

Public propertyDirection 
Public propertyDuration Duration of one animation loop in milliseconds. If duration has not been explicitly set using the SetDuration method, the duration is determined by length of the animation tracks (elements). If duration has been explicitly set, all tracks are temporally scaled to the specified length, so the estimated duration should also equal to the specified one. The duration estimate becomes available (valid) only after animation is started and tracks are finalized.
Public propertyEasingFunction 
Public propertyIsAutomaticallyUpdating 
Public propertyIsRunning True when the animation is running (has been started).
Public propertyLoop When false (by default) the animation is played only once. When true the animation is repeated. By default the animation is repeated indefinitely. To limit the number of iterations set the LoopCount property.
Public propertyLoopCount Gets or sets number of times the animation iterations. Zero (by default) means to loop indefinitely (if Loop is true).
Public propertyLoopIteration Loop iteration counter
Public propertyName Gets an optional name of the animation that can be set when the animation is created.
Public propertyProgress Gets the progress of the animation withing one loop. The returns value is in range from 0 (start of the animation) to 1 (end of the animated loop).
Public propertyTime Gets the time of the current animation loop.
Public propertyTotalDuration Total duration of the animation including the loops that are defined by Loop and LoopCount. In case when the animation loops indefinitely (Loop = true; LoopCount = 0), then float.PositiveInfinity is returned.
Public propertyTotalProgress Gets the total progress of the animation including the loops that are defined by Loop and LoopCount. The returns value is in range from 0 (start of the animation) to 1 (end of the animated loop).
Public propertyTotalTime Gets the total time of the animation.
Public methodDumpInfo 
Public methodGetAnimatedPropertyName 
Public methodGetDelay 
Public methodGetDuration 
Public methodGetEndDelay 
Public methodGetInfoText 
Public methodInitialize 
Public methodRewind 
Public methodSeek 
Public methodSetDelay 
Public methodSetDuration 
Public methodSetEasingFunctionToAllKeyframes Set the specified easing function to all key-frames that have been defined in the animation.
Public methodSetEndDelay 
Public methodStart 
Public methodStop 
Public methodUpdate 
Public methodUpdate(Single) 
See Also