Gpu |
The GpuDynamicMemoryBlockPoolT type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
MaxBlockSize | Gets the maximum block size. This number is rounded to the smallest exponent of 2. Default value is 65536 (64 Kb). | |
MinBlockSize | Gets the minimum block size. This number is rounded to the smallest exponent of 2. Default value is 4096 (4 Kb). | |
PreventZeroBlockIndex | When false (by default) then first block index starts with 0. If true then the first block index starts with 1 (this is used for StandardEffect where material index that is sent to shader can be negative to invert normal; because of this material index must not be zero). This property must be set before calling GetNextFreeIndex. | |
UseDeviceLocalHostVisibleMemoryType | When true, then DeviceLocal and HostVisible memory type is used (when available). Default value is true. |