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TubeModelNode Properties

The TubeModelNode type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBottomCenterPosition Bottom center position of the tube. Property change will re-generate the mesh in the next update phase. To immediately re-generate the mesh, call the Update method.
Public propertyBottomInnerRadius Inner radius of the tube at the bottom end. If both inner radii are zero, a cylinder is rendered as a special case. Property change will re-generate the mesh in the next update phase. To immediately re-generate the mesh, call the Update method.
Public propertyBottomOuterRadius Outer radius of the tube at the bottom end. Property change will re-generate the mesh in the next update phase. To immediately re-generate the mesh, call the Update method.
Public propertyEndAngle End angle of the arc that defines the tube's side surface, in degrees. Default value is 360. Property change will re-generate the mesh in the next update phase. To immediately re-generate the mesh, call the Update method.
Public propertyHeight Height of the tube. If zero, a flattened 2D shape (e.g., a circle with a hole) is rendered as a special case. Property change will re-generate the mesh in the next update phase. To immediately re-generate the mesh, call the Update method.
Public propertyHeightDirection Height direction vector. The default value is (0, 1, 0), i.e., vector pointing up. Property change will re-generate the mesh in the next update phase. To immediately re-generate the mesh, call the Update method.
Public propertySegments Number of segments comprising the tube's side surface. Default value is 30. Property change will re-generate the mesh in the next update phase. To immediately re-generate the mesh, call the Update method.
Public propertyStartAngle Start angle of the arc that defines the tube's side surface, in degrees. Default value is 0. Property change will re-generate the mesh in the next update phase. To immediately re-generate the mesh, call the Update method.
Public propertyTopInnerRadius Inner radius of the tube at the top end. If both inner radii are zero, a cylinder is rendered as a special case. Property change will re-generate the mesh in the next update phase. To immediately re-generate the mesh, call the Update method.
Public propertyTopOuterRadius Outer radius of the tube at the top end. Property change will re-generate the mesh in the next update phase. To immediately re-generate the mesh, call the Update method.
See Also