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LineUtilsCreateEdgeLinesForEachSceneNode Method

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Public methodStatic memberCreateEdgeLinesForEachSceneNode(SceneNode, Single, LineMaterial, GroupNode, Transform) CreateEdgeLinesForEachSceneNode creates one MultiLineNode with edge lines for each ModelNode in the specified sceneNode and its children. The edge lines are created if angle in degrees between two adjacent triangles is bigger then the specified edgeStartAngleInDegrees. To set advanced settings on how edge lines are created, use the EdgeLinesFactory class (this class is also internally used by this method).
Public methodStatic memberCreateEdgeLinesForEachSceneNode(SceneNode, Single, Single, Color4, GroupNode, Transform) CreateEdgeLinesForEachSceneNode creates one MultiLineNode with edge lines for each ModelNode in the specified sceneNode and its children. The edge lines are created if angle in degrees between two adjacent triangles is bigger then the specified edgeStartAngleInDegrees. To set advanced settings on how edge lines are created, use the EdgeLinesFactory class (this class is also internally used by this method).
See Also