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SkiaSharpBitmapIOSaveBitmap Method

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Public methodSaveBitmap(RawImageData, String) Save bitmap from the GpuImageData to the specified file.
Public methodSaveBitmap(RawImageData, Stream, String) Save bitmap from the GpuImageData to the specified fileStream.
Public methodSaveBitmap(RawImageData, Stream, SKEncodedImageFormat, Int32) Save bitmap from the GpuImageData to the specified fileStream and by using special file format options that are defied by the fileFormat and quality parameters.
Public methodSaveBitmap(RawImageData, String, SKEncodedImageFormat, Int32) Save bitmap from the GpuImageData to the specified file and by using special file format options that are defied by the fileFormat and quality parameters.
See Also