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TransformGroup Methods

The TransformGroup type exposes the following members.

Public methodAdd Adds the specified Transform to the end of the list of transformations in this TransformGroup.
Public methodAddRange Adds the specified Transforms to the end of the list of transformations in this TransformGroup.
Public methodClear Removes all transformations from this TransformGroup.
Public methodContains Returns true if the specified transform is in this TransformGroup; otherwise false is returned.
Public methodCopyTo Copies all transformations from this TransformGroup to the specified array.
Public methodGetEnumerator Gets an enumerator that can list through the transformations in this TransformGroup.
Public methodIndexOf Index of the specified transform or -1 if not found.
Public methodInsert Inserts the specified transform at the specified index.
Public methodRemove Removes the transformation from this TransformGroup.
Public methodRemoveAt Removes the transformation at the specified index.
Public methodToString
(Overrides ObjectToString)
Protected methodUpdateMatrix Updates the Matrix4x4 that defines this transformation and is set to Value property.
See Also