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SphereModelNode Methods

The SphereModelNode type exposes the following members.

Public methodGetCenterPosition Returns center position of this sphere. When applyTransformation is true (by default), then center position is also transformed by Transform.
(Overrides ModelNodeGetCenterPosition(Boolean, Boolean))
Protected methodOnInitializeSceneResources Initializes resources with the specified Scene and GpuDevice. This method can be override and is called from InitializeSceneResources(Scene) method.
(Overrides ModelNodeOnInitializeSceneResources(Scene, VulkanDevice))
Protected methodUpdateLocalBoundingBox UpdateLocalBoundingBox
(Overrides ModelNodeUpdateLocalBoundingBox)
Protected methodUpdateMesh UpdateMesh method recreates the mesh based on the current object properties. The method should be overriden in the derived class that provides its own mesh generation.
(Overrides ModelNodeUpdateMesh)
See Also