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ComponentBase Methods

The ComponentBase type exposes the following members.

Protected methodCheckAndDispose CheckAndDispose method is usually called from the Dispose method. It calls Disposing event handler, then Dispose(Boolean) method and finally Disposed event handler. It also sets IsDisposing and IsDisposed properties.
Protected methodCheckIfDisposed CheckIfDisposed method throws InvalidOperationException if this object is disposed (IsDisposed is true).
Protected methodCreateClone Clones this instance of ComponentBase with creating a shallow copy (properties are copied but referenced objects are preserved). The returned cloned objects gets a new Id.
Protected methodDispose Releases unmanaged and managed resources (when disposing is true). This method may be called only from the CheckAndDispose(Boolean) method and must not be called manually by the user.
Protected methodFinalize Releases unmanaged resources and performs other cleanup operations before this object is reclaimed by garbage collection. This may also log waring or other message type or throw an exception - this is controller by DisposeObjectFromFinalizer setting.
(Overrides ObjectFinalize)
See Also