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TargetsAnimationT Methods

The TargetsAnimationT type exposes the following members.

Public methodAddTarget Add a single target.
Public methodAddTargets Add multiple targets.
Protected methodAddTargetsInfoText
(Overrides AnimationTAddTargetsInfoText(StringBuilder))
Protected methodRegisterAnimation Registers this animation on Scene or SceneView object so that Update method is automatically called. This method is called from Start method.
(Overrides AnimationTRegisterAnimation)
Public methodRemoveAllTargets Remove all targets.
Public methodRemoveTarget Remove a single target. If the target is not found (i.e., has not been added), this method is no-op.
Public methodRemoveTargets Remove multiple targets. Removes only targets that are found (i.e., have been added); for the rest, this method is no-op.
Protected methodUnRegisterAnimation Removes this animation from Scene or SceneView object and prevents calling Update method automatically. This method is called from Stop method.
(Overrides AnimationTUnRegisterAnimation)
See Also