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AnimationT Methods

The AnimationT type exposes the following members.

Protected methodAddKeyframesInfoText 
Protected methodAddTargetsInfoText 
Protected methodCheckIsRunning 
Protected methodStatic memberConstructAnimationTrackTProperty, TInfoProperty Helper for constructing final animation track from list of keyframe info entries and animation parameters.
Public methodDumpInfo 
Public methodGetAnimatedPropertyName 
Public methodGetDelay 
Public methodGetDuration 
Public methodGetEndDelay 
Public methodGetInfoText 
Protected methodGetTargetName 
Public methodInitialize Initialize the animation's internal structures and compute keyframe tracks. After this call, the animation's properties such as Duration and TotalDuration become valid. The animation itself (e.g., its parameters) cannot be altered anymore.
Protected methodOnCompleted 
Protected methodOnInitialize 
Protected methodOnLoopIterationChanged 
Protected methodOnRewind 
Protected methodOnStart 
Protected methodOnStop 
Protected methodOnUpdate 
Protected methodOnUpdated 
Protected methodRegisterAnimation Registers this animation on Scene or SceneView object so that Update method is automatically called. This method is called from Start method.
Public methodRewind 
Public methodSeek 
Public methodSetDelay(FuncT, Int32, Int32, Single) Sets the delay function that sets different delay for each target element. The function is called with the following parameters: targetElement, index of the target element, target elements count.
Public methodSetDelay(Single) Sets the delay before the animation starts.
Public methodSetDelay(TimeSpan) Sets the delay before the animation starts.
Public methodSetDuration(FuncT, Int32, Int32, Single) Sets the duration function that sets different duration for each target element. The function is called with the following parameters: targetElement, index of the target element, target elements count.
Public methodSetDuration(Single) Sets the duration of the whole animation.
Public methodSetDuration(TimeSpan) Sets the duration of the whole animation.
Public methodSetEasingFunctionToAllKeyframes 
Protected methodStatic memberSetEasingFunctionToKeyframeInfosTKeyframeInfo 
Public methodSetEndDelay(FuncT, Int32, Int32, Single) Sets the end delay function that sets different end delay for each target element. The function is called with the following parameters: targetElement, index of the target element, target elements count.
Public methodSetEndDelay(Single) Sets the end delay before the animation starts.
Public methodSetEndDelay(TimeSpan) Sets the end delay before the animation starts.
Public methodStart 
Public methodStop 
Protected methodStatic memberTemporallyScaleAnimationTracks Helper for temporal rescaling of per-target group of animation tracks.
Protected methodUnRegisterAnimation Removes this animation from Scene or SceneView object and prevents calling Update method automatically. This method is called from Stop method.
Public methodUpdate 
Public methodUpdate(Single) 
See Also