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ReaderSvgNamedObjectsSourceType Enumeration

Enum that defines the available sources for the object's name.

Namespace:  Ab2d
Assembly:  Ab2d.ReaderSvg (in Ab2d.ReaderSvg.dll) Version: 7.1.7295.1040
public enum NamedObjectsSourceType
  Member nameValueDescription
Auto0 Automatically tries to define the source of the name with checking which application created the svg file - for example for files created in Microsoft Visio the TitleIfExist is used internally.
Id1 Name is get from svg element's id.
Title2 Name is get from svg element's title child element (useful for Microsoft Visio or other applications that set title).
TitleIfExist3 Name is get from svg element's title child element. If the title child element does not exist the element's id is used for the name (useful for Microsoft Visio or other applications that set title).
InkscapeLabel4 Name is get from the Label set in Inkscape (written to inkscape:label attribute). Note that the leading hash '#' is removed from the name.
See Also