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IResourceXamlWriterSettings Properties

The IResourceXamlWriterSettings type exposes the following members.

Public propertyResolveResourceKey
Callback to customize the resource key names used in GetXaml when ResourcesCountLimit is bigger than 0.
Public propertyResourcesBrushStartIndex
Public propertyResourcesCountLimit
Defines if the pens and brushed are written into resources. If ResourcesCountLimit is equal or less than 0 than resources are not used. If ResourcesCountLimit is 1 than all pens and brushes are written to resources. If ResourcesCountLimit is 2 (or higher) than all pens and brushes that are used 2 (or more) times are written to resources.
Public propertyResourcesPenKeyFormatString
Format string used to format the Pen resource keys. Default value is "Pen{0}"
Public propertyResourcesPenStartIndex
Start index used with ResourcesPenKeyFormatString
Public propertyResourcesSolidColorBrushKeyFormatString
Format string used to format the SolidColorBrush resource keys. Default value is "Brush{0}"
See Also