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Reader3dsShadingType Enumeration
Defines the smoothing types that is applied to objects. Default value is SmoothingGroups.

Namespace: Ab3d
Assembly: Ab3d.Reader3ds (in Ab3d.Reader3ds.dll) Version: 9.0.5590.1040
public enum ShadingType
  Member nameValueDescription
None0 No special shading is applied to the objects. This is the fastest option. Objects usually look smooth but because it is not necessary that all positions are unique, the rendered objects can have some "anomalies". Choose this option only if performance is much more important than rendering quality or if you wish to create the same output as previous versions of Reader3ds (verson 4.1 and below).
Flat1 All read objects appear flat shaded - all the edges are sharp and not smooth - as a cube Usually this is not necessary because SmoothingGroups already contains information about which edges are sharp and which are smooth. In general SmoothingGroups should provide the best results. This option can be chosen to force the flat look.
Smoooth2 All read objects appear smooth - there are no sharp edges - as a sphere. Usually this is not necessary because SmoothingGroups already contains information about which edges are sharp and which are smooth. In general SmoothingGroups should provide the best results. This option can be chosen to force the smooth look.
SmoothingGroups3 Default value. This options uses the SmoothingGroups values stored in 3ds file to define which edges are smooth and which are flat. This options produces the results as in the 3d model designer. However if you wish to force the flat or smooth looking objects choose either Flat or Smooth. Also if performance is much more important than rendering quality choose None.
See Also