Click or drag to resize
Viewport3ds Properties

The Viewport3ds type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAnimationDuration
Gets or sets the time in second how long will the whole animation be playing (once from the first to the last frame).
Public propertyAutoRepeat
Gets or set if the animation should automatically repeat itself or not. Default value is true.
Public propertyAutoReverse
Gets or sets if animation should go backwards when coming to the last frame or should it start from beginning. Default value is false.
Public propertyCameraIndex
Gets or sets the index of the used camera from the list of cameras defined in 3ds file
Public propertyFrameNumber
Gets or sets the frame number that is displayed by the Viewport3ds
Public propertyIsAnimated
Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies if the Viewport3ds is automatically playing the animation read from 3ds file.
Public propertySource
Gets or sets the Source of the 3ds file
Public propertyTexturesPath
Gets or sets the path where the textures are located. If null or "" the path of the 3ds file is used. It is also possible to set TexturesPath to url of the textures (http://...) or to the application resources ("pack://application:,,,/XAMLBrowserApplication1;component/models")
Public propertyUsedReader3ds
Gets the Ab3d.Reader3ds instance that is used to read the 3ds file
See Also