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Reader3ds Methods

The Reader3ds type exposes the following members.

Public methodBeginInit
Signals the line 3D that initialization is starting.
Public methodDumpNamedObjects
If run in immediate window the method displays the hierarchy of all objects, lights and Model3DGroups in this instance of Reader3ds. To get the NamedObjects description text use GetNamedObjectsText() method.
Public methodEndInit
Signals the line 3D that initialization is complete.
Public methodGetCameraForFrame
Gets the camera with index cameraIndex for the frameNo. Note: frameNo is double - so it is possible to create smoother animation with getting the positions within frames. See GetFrame for more details.
Public methodCode exampleGetFrame(Double)
Gets the Model3DGroup for frameNo. The frameNo can also be a not integer value to display model between frames - for example frameNo = 1.5 will get the model as it it in the middle between 2st and 3nd frame.
Public methodCode exampleGetFrame(Int32)
Gets the Model3DGroup for frame. No The frameNo can also be a not integer value to display model between frames - for example frameNo = 1.5 will get the model as it it in the middle between 2st and 3nd frame.
Public methodCode exampleGetFrame(Double, Viewport3D)
Gets the Model3DGroup for frameNo. No The frameNo can also be a not integer value to display model between frames - for example frameNo = 1.5 will get the model as it it in the middle between 2st and 3nd frame.
Public methodCode exampleGetFrame(Int32, Viewport3D)
Gets the Model3DGroup for frameNo
Public methodCode exampleGetFrame(Double, Viewport3D, Int32)
Gets the Model3DGroup for frameNo. No The frameNo can also be a not integer value to display model between frames - for example frameNo = 1.5 will get the model as it it in the middle between 2st and 3nd frame.
Public methodCode exampleGetFrame(Int32, Viewport3D, Int32)
Gets the Model3DGroup for frameNo. No The frameNo can also be a not integer value to display model between frames - for example frameNo = 1.5 will get the model as it it in the middle between 2st and 3nd frame.
Public methodGetKeyFramesData
Returns a collection of key frame tracks defined for the specified modelName. GetKeyFramesData return null if modelName does not exist.
Public methodGetNamedObjectsText
Returns a hierarchy text of all objects, lights and Model3DGroups in this instance of Reader3ds. Used in DumpNamedObjects which displays the hierarchy of named objects (when run in immediate window).
Public methodGetOptimizedMeshGeometry3D
Returns OptimizedMeshGeometry3D struct for the specified model name. OptimizedMeshGeometry3D contains Normals, Positions, TextureCoordinates and TriangleIndices lists that can be used to get quick access to mesh data (access to data is much faster than when using MeshGeometry3D).
Public methodGetXaml()
Gets the XAML of the last read objects with default settings.
Public methodGetXaml(String)
Gets the XAML of the objectName from the last read objects with default settings.
Public methodGetXaml(WpfXamlWriterSettings)
Gets the XAML of the last read objects with custom settings.
Public methodGetXaml(WpfXamlWriterSettings, String)
Gets the XAML of the objectName from the last read objects with custom settings.
Public methodStatic memberRead(String) Obsolete.
This method is obsolete - use ReadFile(String) instead.
Public methodStatic memberRead(String, Viewport3D) Obsolete.
This method is obsolete - use ReadFile(String, Viewport3D) instead.
Public methodStatic memberRead(String, Viewport3D, Int32) Obsolete.
This method is obsolete - use ReadFile(String, Viewport3D, Int32) instead.
Public methodCode exampleReadFile(Stream)
Reads 3ds file from stream and returns its data in Model3DGroup object.
Public methodReadFile(String)
Reads 3ds file and returns its data in Model3DGroup object
Public methodCode exampleReadFile(Stream, Viewport3D)
Reads the 3ds file from stream and adds the 3d objects (as MeshGeometry3D, Lights, Materials) to Viewport3D Also if the 3ds file contains camera information set the Viewport3D's camera to the first camera in 3ds file
Public methodCode exampleReadFile(String, Viewport3D)
Reads the 3ds file and adds the 3d objects (as MeshGeometry3D, Lights, Materials) to Viewport3D Also if the 3ds file contains camera information set the Viewport3D's camera to the first camera in 3ds file
Public methodCode exampleReadFile(Stream, Viewport3D, Int32)
Reads the 3ds file from stream and adds the 3d objects (as MeshGeometry3D, Lights, Materials) to Viewport3D If cameraIndex >= 0 than also sets the camera (if there is one in 3ds file) to Viewport3D
Public methodReadFile(String, Viewport3D, Int32)
Reads the 3ds file and adds the 3d objects (as MeshGeometry3D, Lights, Materials) to Viewport3D If cameraIndex >= 0 than also sets the camera (if there is one in 3ds file) to Viewport3D
See Also