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PlanePlaneIntersectionType Enumeration

PlaneIntersectionType enum defines types of intersections with the plane that can be get with GetIntersectionType methods.

Namespace: Ab3d.Utilities
Assembly: Ab3d.PowerToys (in Ab3d.PowerToys.dll) Version: 11.2.9104.2045
public enum PlaneIntersectionType
Member nameValueDescription
Coplanar0 The position, polygon or object lies on the plane.
Front1 The position, polygon or object lies in front of the plane (in the direction defined by plane's Normal).
Back2 The position, polygon or object lies in the back of the plane (in the opposite direction defined by plane's Normal).
Spanning3 The polygon or object is divided by the plane so that some parts lies on front and some parts lie on the back side of the plane.
See Also