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Transform3DAnimationNode Class

Transform3DAnimationNode is an abstract base class for animating Transform property on Model3D or Visual3D objects. It is used by derived classes Model3DAnimationNode and Visual3DAnimationNode.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Ab3d.Animation
Assembly: Ab3d.PowerToys (in Ab3d.PowerToys.dll) Version: 11.2.9104.2045
public abstract class Transform3DAnimationNode : AnimationNodeBase

The Transform3DAnimationNode type exposes the following members.

Public propertyFirstFrameNumber Gets the first defined frame number for this AnimationNode.
(Overrides AnimationNodeBaseFirstFrameNumber)
Public propertyLastFrameNumber Gets the last defined frame number for this AnimationNode.
(Overrides AnimationNodeBaseLastFrameNumber)
Public propertyPositionTrack Gets a PositionTrack that defines position key frames.
Public propertyRotationCenterPosition Gets or sets a center position of the object. The ObjectCenterPosition is used as rotation and scale center position. This value is automatically calculated from the specified Model3D or Visual3D in constructor, but the value can be overwritten by user to specify custom rotation center position.
Public propertyRotationTrack Gets a CameraRotationTrack that defines rotation values for each key frame.
Public propertyScaleTrack Gets a ScaleTrack that defines scale values for each key frame.
Public methodGetDumpString GetDumpString virtual method can be overridden to provide detailed description of this object.
(Overrides AnimationNodeBaseGetDumpString)
Public methodGoToFrame GoToFrame method updates the objects animated with this animation node based on the specified frame number.
(Overrides AnimationNodeBaseGoToFrame(Double))
Protected fieldrootTransform3DGroup Transform3DGroup that holds all the transformations for this Transform3DAnimationNode
See Also