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KeyFramesTrackBaseT Class

KeyFramesTrackBase is a base class for all key frame tracks that define animation data stored in a Keys list.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Ab3d.Animation
Assembly: Ab3d.PowerToys (in Ab3d.PowerToys.dll) Version: 11.2.9104.2045
public abstract class KeyFramesTrackBase<T>
where T : KeyFrameBase

Type Parameters


The KeyFramesTrackBaseT type exposes the following members.

Protected methodKeyFramesTrackBaseT Constructor
Public propertyEasingFunction Gets or sets a Func that gets a double and returns a double and can be specified to provide custom interpolation between first and last key frame. This defines the speed of the animation. When null (by default), linear interpolation is used.
Public propertyFirstFrame Gets first frame for this track
Public propertyKeys Gets a list of key frames.
Public propertyKeysCount Gets count of key frames.
Public propertyLastFrame Gets last frame for this track
Public methodDump Writes details about this KeyFramesTrack to the Visual Studio Output window. This method calls the protected GetDumpString method to get details about each keyframe.
Public methodGetDumpString GetDumpString virtual method can be overridden to provide detailed description of this object.
Protected methodInterpolateFrameNumber InterpolateFrameNumber method interpolates the specified frame number based on the specified EasingFunction. This method must be called from all derived classes to calculate the final frame number.
Public methodSetEasingFunctionToAllKeys SetInterpolationToAllKeys methods sets the specified interpolation to all keys in the key frames track.

KeyFramesTrackBase is a base class for all key frame tracks that define animation data stored in a Keys list.

All derived class need to call InterpolateFrameNumber(Double) method to adjust the frame number based on the TrackInterpolation property value before the data for the frame are calculated.

See Also
Inheritance Hierarchy