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LineArcVisual3D Properties

The LineArcVisual3D type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCircleCenterPosition Gets or sets the center position of the circle that defined the arc.
Public propertyCircleNormal Gets or sets the normal vector of the circle that defined the arc (the vector that is perpendicular to the circle).
Public propertyEndAngle Gets or sets the angle in degrees where the arc ends.
Public propertyEndLineCap Gets or sets one of the LineCap that is used for end position of the line
Public propertyHorizontalStretchFactor Gets or sets the double value that specifies a factor that is used to stretch (multiply) the radius in the ZeroAngleDirection. This allows creating line arc from ellipse instead of only from circle. Default value is 1.0 which creates an arc from a circle. For example value 2.0 will create line arc from ellipse with horizontal radius twice the value set in the Radius property.
Public propertyRadius Gets or sets the radius of the circle that defines the arc.
Public propertySegments Gets or sets the number of lines that are used to define the arc.
Public propertyStartAngle Gets or sets the angle in degrees where the arc begins.
Public propertyStartLineCap Gets or sets one of the LineCap that is used for start position of the line
Public propertyZeroAngleDirection Gets or sets the Vector3D that is pointing from center position to the position on the circle where the arc's angle is zero.
See Also