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BaseAxisWithLabelsVisual3D Properties

The BaseAxisWithLabelsVisual3D type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAxisEndPosition Gets or sets the axis's end position. Default value is (0, 100, 0).
Public propertyAxisLineColor Gets or sets the color of the axis line.
Public propertyAxisLineThickness Gets or sets the thickness of the axis line in screen coordinates. Default value is 2.
Public propertyAxisLineVisual3D Gets LineVisual3D that is used to show axis line.
Public propertyAxisStartPosition Gets or sets axis's start position. Default value is (0, 0, 0).
Public propertyAxisTitle Gets or sets the title of this axis.
Public propertyAxisTitleBrush Gets or sets the brush of the value labels text.
Public propertyAxisTitleFontSize Gets or sets the size of the value axis text. Default value is 6.
Public propertyAxisTitleFontWeight Gets or sets the FontWeight of the axis title text. Default value is Normal.
Public propertyAxisTitlePadding Gets or sets a double value that how much are the axis title text is positioned away from the longest value label. Default value is 3.
Public propertyCamera Gets or sets the camera from Ab3d.PowerToys library that is showing the 3D scene.
Public propertyFontFamily Gets or sets the FontFamily of the text.
Public propertyIsAutomaticallySubscribedToCameraChanges When true (by default) the Update method is automatically called on each change of the Camera.
Public propertyIsRenderingOnRightSideOfAxis Gets or sets a Boolean that specifies if Ticks and Labels are rendered on the right side of the axis (when true) or on the left side of the axis (when false). Default value is false.
Public propertyMajorTicksLength Gets or sets a double value that defines the length of major tick lines. Default value is 5. When set to 0, then major tick lines are not shown (but labels are still shown).
Public propertyMajorTicksStep Gets or sets a double value that defines the step (difference) between two major ticks makers and labels (labels are rendered next to major tick markers). When set to zero or negative value, then major ticks and labels are not shown. Default value is 1.
Public propertyMaximumValue Gets or sets a double that defines the maximum value on the graph. When SnapMaximumValueToMajorTicks is set to true, the actually used maximum value can be bigger then this value. Default value is 10.
Public propertyMinimumValue Gets or sets a double that defines the minimum value on the graph. Default value is 0.
Public propertyMinorTicksLength Gets or sets a double value that defines the length of minor tick lines. Default value is 2.5. When set to 0, then minor tick lines are not shown.
Public propertyMinorTicksStep Gets or sets a double value that defines the step (difference) between two minor ticks makers. When set to zero, negative value or when the value is smaller then MajorTicksStep, then minor ticks are not shown. Default value is 0.5.
Public propertyRightDirectionVector3D Gets or sets the Vector3D that specifies the right direction of the axis - the direction in which the text is drawn. The axis up direction is defined by the AxisStartPosition and AxisEndPosition. Default value is (1, 0, 0).
Public propertySnapMaximumValueToMajorTicks When true (by default) then the used maximum value is always snapped to the value with major ticks marker. This way the label for maximum value is always shown. When false then the value that is set to the MaximumValue is always used.
Public propertyTicksLineColor Gets or sets the color of ticks lines.
Public propertyTicksLineThickness Gets or sets the thickness of the ticks lines in screen coordinates. Default value is 1.
Public propertyTicksMultiLineVisual3D Gets MultiLineVisual3D that is used to show major and minor tick lines.
Public propertyValueDisplayCulture Gets the culture that is used to format value labels. Default value is null (using current culture).
Public propertyValueDisplayFormatString Gets or sets the string that defines the format string that is used to format the displayed values. When this string is empty, then values are not displayed. Default value is "#,##0". Culture that is used to format the value is defined by the ValueDisplayCulture property (InvariantCulture by default).
Public propertyValueLabelsBrush Gets or sets the brush of the value labels text.
Public propertyValueLabelsFontSize Gets or sets the size of the value labels text. Default value is 6.
Public propertyValueLabelsFontWeight Gets or sets the FontWeight of the value labels text. Default value is Normal.
Public propertyValueLabelsPadding Gets or sets a double value that how much are the value labels texts positioned away from the major tick markers. Default value is 3.
See Also