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AxisWith3DLabelsVisual3D Properties

The AxisWith3DLabelsVisual3D type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAdjustFirstLabelPosition When true, then the first label is moved up to prevent overlapping the first label with adjacent axis. The amount of movement is calculated by multiplying font size and the LabelAdjustmentFactor (0.45 by default). Default value is false.
Public propertyAdjustLastLabelPosition When true, then the last label is moved down to prevent overlapping the last label with adjacent axis. The amount of movement is calculated by multiplying font size and the LabelAdjustmentFactor (0.45 by default). Default value is false.
Public propertyAxisTitleTextBlockVisual3D Gets TextBlockVisual3D that shows axis title.
Public propertyTitleRenderBitmapSize Gets or sets a Size that is used as the RenderBitmapSize in the TextBlockVisual3D object that is used to render the axis title. When Ab3d.DXEngine assembly is present in the application, then the default value is set to (512, 64); otherwise the default value is Size.Empty that uses VisualBrush to render the text. To set Size for rendered value labels set the ValueLabelsRenderBitmapSize.
Public propertyValueLabelsParentModelVisual3D Gets ContentVisual3D that is a parent Visual3D object and stores all TextBlockVisual3D objects used to show value labels.
Public propertyValueLabelsRenderBitmapSize Gets or sets a Size that is used as the RenderBitmapSize in all used TextBlockVisual3D objects that display value labels. When Ab3d.DXEngine assembly is present in the application, then the default value is set to (128, 64); otherwise the default value is Size.Empty that uses VisualBrush to render the text. To set Size for rendered axis title set the TitleRenderBitmapSize.
See Also