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StandardTransform3D Properties

The StandardTransform3D type exposes the following members.

Public propertyRotateX Gets or sets a double that specified the rotation angle in degrees around the X axis (Attitude in SphericalCamera).
Public propertyRotateY Gets or sets a double that specified the rotation angle in degrees around the Y axis (Heading in SphericalCamera).
Public propertyRotateZ Gets or sets a double that specified the rotation angle in degrees around the Z axis (Bank in SphericalCamera).
Public propertyScaleX Gets or sets a double that specified the scale in the direction of the X axis.
Public propertyScaleY Gets or sets a double that specified the scale in the direction of the Y axis.
Public propertyScaleZ Gets or sets a double that specified the scale in the direction of the Z axis.
Public propertyTransform Gets the MatrixTransform3D that defines the transformation specified by the properties of this StandardTransform3D.
Public propertyTranslateX Gets or sets a double that specified the translation in X direction.
Public propertyTranslateY Gets or sets a double that specified the translation in Y direction.
Public propertyTranslateZ Gets or sets a double that specified the translation in X direction.
See Also