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EventManager3D Properties

The EventManager3D type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCustomEventsSourceElement Gets or sets a FrameworkElement that can be used instead of TargetViewport3D to get the mouse events (MouseMove, MouseEnter, MouseLeave). If null (default) than TargetViewport3D is used as event source.
Public propertyDragMouseDistance Gets or sets the distance mouse must make when the move is considered as mouse drag. The default value is 5.
Public propertyIsEnabled Gets or sets a boolean value that specifies if the EventManager3D is enabled.
Public propertyIsManipulationEnabled Gets or sets a boolean that specifies if Manipulation (touch based) events are enabled by this EventManager3D (this works only when .Net 4 or higher version of the library is used). Default valus is false.
Public propertyNamedObjects Gets or sets a Dictionary<string, object> that is can be used to specify object names in the registered EventSource3D objects.
Public propertyTargetViewport3D Gets or sets a Viewport3D that contains the Model3D and Visual3D objects that are used by this EventManager3D.
Public propertyUsePreviewEvents Gets or sets a boolean that specifies if EventManager3D subscribed to Preview moouse and touch events instead of standard events - for example PreviewMouseUp event instead of MouseUp event. Default value is false;
See Also