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MouseCameraControllerInfo Properties

The MouseCameraControllerInfo type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAltText Gets or sets a text that is displayed for Alt key. Default value is "Alt". After changing the value you may need to call Update method.
Public propertyCtrlText Gets or sets a text that is displayed for Control key. Default value is "Ctrl". After changing the value you may need to call Update method.
Public propertyFontSize Gets or sets a Boolean that specifies the size of the info text.
Public propertyFontWeight Gets or sets a font weight
Public propertyForeground Gets or sets a Boolean that a brush that is used to color the text.
Public propertyMouseCameraController Gets or sets a Boolean that a brush that is used to color the text.
Public propertyMoveCameraText Gets or sets a text that is displayed for "Move camera". After changing the value you may need to call Update method.
Public propertyQuickZoomText Gets or sets a text that is displayed for "Quick zoom". After changing the value you may need to call Update method.
Public propertyRotateCameraText Gets or sets a text that is displayed for "Rotate camera". After changing the value you may need to call Update method.
Public propertyShowMoveInfo Gets or sets a Boolean that specifies if information on how to move the camera is shown.
Public propertyShowQuickZoomInfo Gets or sets a Boolean that specifies if information on how to use quick zoom is shown.
Public propertyShowRotateInfo Gets or sets a Boolean that specifies if information on how to rotate the camera is shown.
See Also