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BaseCamera Properties

The BaseCamera type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAnimationController Gets an AnimationController that is used to animate this camera. When this AnimationController is used to animate the camera, it is possible to control if MouseCameraController can stop the animation when user starts camera rotation or movement by mouse or touch. This is controller with the IsCameraAnimationStoppedOnUserAction property (by default set to true to stop the animation on user action).
Public propertyCameraLight Gets or sets a Light that is used as a Camera Light. The default value is White DirectionalLight.
Public propertyCameraType Gets or sets a type of camera. The default camera type value is PerspectiveCamera. The camera type can be also OrthographicCamera.
Public propertyCameraWidth Gets or sets the width of the camera's viewing box. The property is used when the camera type is set to OrthographicCamera.
Public propertyCurrentCamera Gets the WPF's ProjectionCamera that is controlled by this Camera.
Public propertyFarPlaneDistance Gets or sets a value that specifies the distance from the camera of the camera's far clip plane. This is a dependency property.
Public propertyFieldOfView Gets or sets a value that represents the camera's horizontal field of view in degrees. The property is used when the camera type is set to PerspectiveCamera. Default value is 45 degrees.
Public propertyIsAutoViewport3DFindingEnabled Gets or sets a Boolean which specifies that if the TargetViewport3D property is not manually set the first Viewport3D is automatically find from the current UserControl, Page or Window. Default value is true.
Protected propertyIsDesignTime Gets a Boolean that specifies if design time is used.
Public propertyIsDesignTimeInfoIconShown Gets or sets a Boolean that specifies if Camera info icon is visible in design time. Default value is true.
Public propertyIsRotating Gets or sets a boolean that specifies if the camera is currently being animated.
Public propertyLookDirection Gets a Vector3D which defines the look direction of the camera.
Public propertyNearPlaneDistance Gets or sets a value that specifies the distance from the camera of the camera's near clip plane. This is a dependency property.
Public propertyOffset Gets or sets a Vector3D that specifies an offset of the camera's position.
Public propertyShowCameraLight Gets or sets a ShowCameraLightType that specifies when the Cameras light is shown. The default value is ShowCameraLightType.Auto.
Public propertyTargetViewport3D Gets or sets a Viewport3D whose Camera is controlled by this Ab3d.Camera.
Public propertyTargetViewport3DName Gets or sets a name of the Viewport3D whose Camera is controlled by this Ab3d.Camera.
Public propertyUpDirection Gets a Vector3D that represents the upward direction in the scene projection.
See Also